BIOS offers commercially available software programs as well as customer-specific developments of software in the energy sector
Commercially available software:
Based on MS-Excel and VBA
Detailed mass and energy balance calculations for combustion processes
Based on MS-Excel and VBA
Application for the evaluation and validation of operating data of biomass combustion and biomass combined heat and power plants.
The results of the evaluations performed are displayed in charts and tables regarding mean values, timelines and summary sheets for selected time periods. DATEVAL 1.0 offers the advantage for a plant operator to identify weak points regarding plant performance and to optimise plant operation based on the evaluations performed. The numerous references of plants utilising DATEVAL 1.0 demonstrate the advantages of the program.
Development of customer specific software:
BIOS also offers customer specific software development. Examples are:
Software infrastructure of BIOS:
MS Office
Office software
MS Teams
Project scheduling
Software for plant design and drawings (2D and 3D including schematics)
3D-CAD programme
Dynamic building and HVAC simulations
AHH – Air Humid Handling
Air conditioning cycle calculations
Software for tendering
ANSYS Fluent
CFD simulations (commercial)
CFD simulations (open source)
Ansys Chemkin
Reaction kinetic calculations
High-temperature equilibrium calculations
Biomass fuel and ash database
In-house development (ongoing updates)
Database regarding emissions from biomass combustion plants
In-house development (ongoing updates)
Database regarding investment and operating costs of components and complete plants in the field of energy systems
In-house development (ongoing updates)